Shapefile/CSV file attributes The information in the following table consist of metadata relating to the attribute fields in the shapefile, KMZ or CSV file relating to the Sunphotometer AOD product. Data Field |Description (units) |Format sn |serial number |integer date |date of observation |text time |time of observation |text latitude |Latitude of target location. Typically refers to plot centre. |real longitude |Longitude of target location. Typically refers to plot centre. |real altitude |Altitude of target location. Typically refers to plot centre. |integer pressure |atmospheric pressure (millibars) |integer sza |solar zenith, 0 for overhead sun, 60 for sun on horizon (degrees) |real temp |temperature (degrees celsius) |real sig305 |Signal (mV) |real sig312 |Signal (mV) |real sig320 |Signal (mV) |real sig936 |Signal (mV) |real sig1020 |Signal (mV) |real r305_312 |Ratio of signals between bands |text r312_320 |Ratio of signals between bands |text std305_312 |Ratio of signals between bands |text std312_320 |Ratio of signals between bands |text oz305_312 |Ozone column based on ratio (Dobson units) |text oz312_320 |Ozone column based on ratio (Dobson units) |text ozone |Corrected ozone column in Dobson Units (DU) |text water |Precipitable water column in cm |text aot1020 |Aerosol optical depth |text id |identification number - set by user |integer seqid |sequence id |integer observers |Name of field observers |text supersite |AusCover calibration/validation site |text