SITE DATA FIELDS (#marks fields) #site TEXT TREND site identification code: the general location of a set of 5 replicate plots (see ‘plot’) #plot TEXT TREND plot identification number. First 3 letters of property or locality plus 1/2 if >1 set of replicate plots at locality; A-E to signify replicate plot number, e.g. REM1-A = replicate plot A from site 1 in Mount Remarkable NP. #latitude / longitude NUMERIC (decimal degrees) GPS (WGS84), accuracy ± 3 m, taken at SW corner marker. #altitude_mASL NUMERIC (m ASL) Read from GPS at SW corner. #establishment_date TEXT in date format Date plot pegged and surveyed. #property TEXT Name of property plot located within. #locality TEXT Free text brief identifier of general locality for plot. #location TEXT Free text description of more specific location of plot. #observers TEXT Initials/surname of observers at plot establishment. #photo TEXT Photo numbers that match file names. Photo taken from SW corner of plot facing NE, sometimes moved if large bush in the way at corner etc. #photopoint_disc TEXT Number on S.A. Government photopoint tag wired to plot marker (doesn't appear in the plot photos, it's just a plot marker). #aspect / aspect_text NUMERIC (degrees)/ CATEGORICAL Measured with a standard compass, in degrees, also with text description (e.g. 90º, E). Observer faces downslope to take reading. RANGE: 0 to 360 CATEGORIES: "N"", "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE", "S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW", "N", where N=north, E=east, S=south, W=west #slope NUMERIC (degrees) Estimated with aid of a digital level measure rested on representative, evenly sloped spot on flat object (e.g. dowel). Estimated accuracy ~±5º RANGE: 0 to 90 #outcrop NUMERIC (%) Visual estimate of percent cover of outcropping rock. #surface NUMERIC (%) Visual estimate of percent cover of surface stones. #sand NUMERIC (%) Percent sand by volume in settled sample. #NH4 NUMERIC (mg/kg) #NO3 NUMERIC (mg/kg) #P NUMERIC (mg/kg) Colwell P #K NUMERIC (mg/kg) Colwell K #conduct NUMERIC E.C.(dS/m) [electrical conductivity] #pH_CaCl2 NUMERIC (0 to 14) #disturbance_notes TEXT Free text description of disturbance evident, e.g. fire scars, tracks. Grazing detected through evaluation of leaf damage, spp. identified visually from scats (i.e. kangaroos), tracks and burrows (e.g. rabbits). #distance_to_nearest_nonuniform_vegetation: NUMERIC (m) Visual estimate taken from the SW corner. Conservative estimate, especially where visibility low. Intended for remote sensing and other applications of data. Could also be used as general indicator of landscape heterogeneity. #landscape_position_notes TEXT Free text description for context describing plot location relative to landscape features nearby (e.g. is it at the base or ridge of a gully?). #general_notes TEXT Free text. #association TEXT (structured) Structured vegetation structural descr